One of these 14 LSHS students will be crowned queen at the 100th Annual West Lampeter Community Fair. Find out who at the Fair Queen Contest on Sunday, 9/22, at 7 p.m.
Learn more about Lampeter-Strasburg High School's new assistant principal, Mr. Brandon Heuyard
The L-S athletic department celebrated the opening of the 2024-2025 season and recognized beloved athletic trainer Jen McCrabb, who will retire at the end of this school year.
Welcome (or welcome back) to Lampeter-Strasburg School District! We’re so excited to start the new school year! Here are some important new things happening on campus this year:
On August 22, the L-S Athletic Department and LSHS Varsity Club are kicking off the new school year with the Pioneer Strong Chicken BBQ and the Pioneer Pride Classic.
Congratulations to Martin Meylin art teacher Ed Leone, the 2024 Teacher of the Year!
Best wishes to our 212 new graduates!
Fifty-two members of the Class of 2024 received a total of 84 awards and scholarships at this year's Senior Awards Night.