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The back of Lampeter Elementary School
boy in school

Welcome to Lampeter Elementary School!

Lampeter Elementary School school serves first and second grade students in four color-coded learning pods. The pods meet in a light-filled central area that includes the media center, gym, and cafeteria/auditorium.

News & Events

There's always something happening at Lampeter Elementary School. Check in often for a complete listing of district and building events plus news and announcements about our students and staff.

Latest News

Toys for Tots stuff the bus with Toys 11/25 - 12/6

All schools will be collecting toys from November 25 - December 6. To participate, donate a new, unwrapped toy for a child between the ages of 1-12. And check the live toy meter to see how your school is doing!

Upcoming Events

New Beginnings

The transition to full-time school is a big one for children, and Lampeter Elementary School is the perfect launchpad. 


Lampeter Elementary's active Parent Teacher Organization helps with assemblies, activities, field trips, and more. Thank you, PTO!


Building on the bonds they made in kindergarten, Lampeter students strengthen the friendships they will keep throughout their school years and beyond

Digital Citizenship

Lampeter Elementary students are each issued an iPad for the school year. Students learn to care for and navigate learning with technology.

Foundations for Learning

With a building filled with experienced primary school teachers, Lampeter Elementary students are off to a great academic start.

Pioneer Pride

 Lampeter is known for spirit days, whether for a cause, seasonal days, or just for fun.